ContextCapture User Guide

Legacy format

This format is maintained only for compatibility with older versions of ExportUniqueMesh. We recommend to use other formats for your new work. Each node consists of three files:

  • a .dae file representing a 3D mesh in Collada format, with vertex and texture coordinates.

Vertex coordinates of the 3D mesh are expressed in the output spatial reference system specified by the --outputSRS option, relatively to the origin given in the .xml metadata file described below.

  • a . jpg file containing the texture map of the Collada mesh.

There is exactly one texture map for each 3D mesh. The size of the texture map can be different for different nodes. The typical size of the texture map largely depends on the parameters of the output quadtree structure.

  • a .xml file, in XML format, containing some metadata of the 3D mesh.

An example of this XML file is given below:


The Origin tag indicates the position in the output spatial reference system relatively to which 3D mesh coordinates are expressed.

The Min and Max tags indicate the extent of the 3D mesh, in the output spatial reference system.

Warning: the extent of the 3D mesh may exceed the theoretical extent of the node in the quadtree, because the 3D mesh includes some small overlap and/or skirts to hide cracks in the 3D model between regions rendered with different level-of-detail.